Search For medical In Quotes 255

Procedures outside the stadiums and in the parking areas still need to be optimized for example so that emergency medical services can leave the grounds on their way to the hospital faster.

I'd visit the near future close enough that someone might want to talk to Larry Niven and can figure out the language distant enough to get me decent medical techniques and a ticket to the Moon.

Ensuring Americans have access to adequate medical care should be a priority for all of us.

I've been advised not to have any more children for medical reasons so that's it - the shop has closed even though I would have loved a daughter.

I founded a launch company called International Microspace when I graduated medical school in 1989. We were trying to build a microsatellite launcher.

That's the thing. in medicine you're used to saying there's a problem within the person and saying there's a problem within the culture that's not a medical answer. Medicine has to look in one direction so there's only one type of answer that they can find.

Immortality Device has been tested and researched by medical researchers all over the world from time to time. They email me and told me what they found. I post their results sometimes on my site.

Oh there are lots of doctors and medical professionals out there who buy my devices at whole sale price.

When I talked to my medical friends about the strange silence on this subject in American medical magazines and textbooks I gained the impression that here was a subject tainted with Socialism or with feminine sentimentality for the poor.

For many people managing pain involves using prescription medicine in combination with complementary techniques like physical therapy acupuncture yoga and massage. I appreciate this because I truly believe medical care should address the person as a whole - their mind body and spirit.