Search For majority In Quotes 117

To say that a work of art is good but incomprehensible to the majority of men is the same as saying of some kind of food that it is very good but that most people can't eat it.

I believe that the majority of times the scale tilts toward the good. It's this amazing thing that rolls on and if we get in the flow of it that's God. And if we fight it if we swim the other way we're swimming away from the purest expression of this life.

Anyone who writes knows that ultimately the majority of your time is spent alone in a room with a piano or a guitar no matter what the project is.

The majority does not rule in America but the minority shouldn't hijack it. And it's because we're afraid. They have isolated us and made us feel as though we're alone. We're not.

In any great organization it is far far safer to be wrong with the majority than to be right alone.

Don't ever let economic alone determine your career or how you spend the majority of your time.

No Congress ever has seen fit to amend the Constitution to address any issue related to marriage. No Constitutional Amendment was needed to ban polygamy or bigamy nor was a Constitutional Amendment needed to set a uniform age of majority to ban child marriages.