Search For lookin In Quotes 440

Truth makes on the ocean of nature no one track of light every eye looking on finds its own.

The possibilities that are suggested in quantum physics tell us that everything that we're looking at may not be in fact there so the underlying nature of being is weird.

What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole the keyhole of nature trying to know what's going on.

I am in the habit of looking not so much to the nature of a gift as to the spirit in which it is offered.

Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.

Life has loveliness to sell all beautiful and splendid things blue waves whitened on a cliff soaring fire that sways and sings and children's faces looking up holding wonder like a cup.

Nobody was listening when I learned how to play music. But there's something about being on stage talking to the audience looking at them and smiling that's always been difficult for me. I'm a lot more comfortable now but there are still moments of awkwardness.

I'd love to do a modern-day musical that's full of original music. To get your contemporaries to sing and dance without looking foolish and for it to be transformational and magical and all those things a musical is supposed to be.

We are also fortunate in being in quite a sheltered environment in terms of people moving on to do other things because there are relatively few companies in Scotland that are looking for the skill set that we've developed.

I'm not looking to lose anything. I'm looking to continue making movies.