Search For improv In Quotes 252

In the long history of humankind (and animal kind too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed.

It's been proven that fitting more activity into your day can greatly improve your health.

Yoga is at the core of my health and wellness routine even if it's only for 10 to 15 minutes I find it helps me to re-center and to focus as well as improve my overall core strength.

Everyone knows that exercise can improve your health. Exercise is a key part of managing your weight and maintaining healthy hearts lungs and other bodily systems. But did you know that exercise can make you more productive? The latest research shows that a regular exercise routine can make you happier smarter and more energetic.

The truth is women use contraception not only as a way to prevent unintended pregnancies but also to improve their health and the health of their families. Increased access to contraception is directly linked to declines in maternal and infant mortality.

The people of South and Central Texas and the Coastal Bend need jobs they need health care they need water infrastructure improvements they need a quality education and they need the resources to keep our borders safe and secure.

By the Obama administration's reasoning it would be constitutionally permissible to make Americans purchase nearly any product (broccoli gym membership) that improved their health and thereby contributed to lower health-care costs.

I want to thank the efforts of the American Public Health Association and its 200-plus partners who have organized events around the Nation that serve to raise everyone's awareness of the need to improve public health.

Do you know what the overhead is of the Medicare system? One-point-zero-five percent. Do you know what - private insurance is 30 percent in overhead and profits? Given a choice how I'm going to improve health care I'm going to take it away from private insurance profits and overhead. Wouldn't you?

It has pleased and interested me to see how I could get along under difficult circumstances and with so much discomfort but as I say I was not sent out here to improve my temper or my health or to make me more content with my good things in the East.

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I became very famous as a teenager and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated.