Search For genera In Quotes 779

Nevertheless as is a frequent occurrence in science a general hypothesis was constructed from a few specific instances of a phenomenon.

It was generally believed that Catholics were not interested in arts and science graduate schools. They weren't going to be intellectuals. And so I put the theses to the test. And they all collapsed.

Science is defined in various ways but today it is generally restricted to something which is experimental which is repeatable which can be predicted and which is falsifiable.

But the first the general public learned about the discovery was the news of the destruction of Hiroshima by the atom bomb. A splendid achievement of science and technology had turned malign. Science became identified with death and destruction.

A successful society is characterized by a rising living standard for its population increasing investment in factories and basic infrastructure and the generation of additional surplus which is invested in generating new discoveries in science and technology.

The general public has long been divided into two parts those who think science can do anything and those who are afraid it will.

In general science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature Cell The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.

What business has science and capitalism got bringing all these new inventions into the works before society has produced a generation educated up to using them!

If I can get some student interested in science if I can show members of the general public what's going on up there in the space program then my job's been done.

I hesitate to predict whether this theory is true. But if the general opinion of Mankind is optimistic then we're in for a period of extreme popularity for science fiction.