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I know what it feels like to struggle to get the education that you need.

'Dreams From My Father' reveals more about Obama than is usually known about political leaders until after they're dead. Perhaps more than it intends it shows his mind working in real time sentence by sentence in what feels like a private audience with the reader.

That's what noir feels like to me. It feels like some kind of recurring dream with very strong archetypes operating. You know the guilty girl being pursued falling all kinds of stuff that we see in our dreams all the time.

I envy people with dreams and passions but I don't think that way. I still don't have a 'bliss' to follow. For people like me - I suspect that's most people - holding out for a 'dream' or a 'passion' is paralyzing. I just like having work I enjoy that feels meaningful. That's hard enough... but it's enough.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

I can't even explain to you how terrible that feels that I equate dating a woman with punishment shame guilt disappointment reproach reprimand persecution. It's a nightmare.

Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.

I feel connected to the Second World War because my father lost his father in that war. So through my dad and the effect it had on him of losing his father young I always felt connected to the war. It goes back years but it still feels to me as if we're completely living in it.

Feels good to try but playing a father I'm getting a little older. I see now that I'm taking it more serious and I do want that lifestyle.

When you go in and do a cool small character it feels less like work and more like fun.