Search For democrat In Quotes 244

The security of the United States which is so dependent on having accurate and timely intelligence is not a Republican or a Democratic issue.

Our democracy our constitutional framework is really a kind of software for harnessing the creativity and political imagination for all of our people. The American democratic system was an early political version of Napster.

Democratic politicians have disliked things I've written Republican politicians... if they all love you you might as well be driving a Good Humor truck.

So you know I think that the federal government the Democrats and President Obama are selling a lot of hope and change but no delivery of any of those promises.

House and Senate Republicans are now united in adopting earmark bans. We hope President Obama will follow through on his support for an earmark ban by pressing Democratic leaders to join House and Senate Republicans in taking this critical step to restore public trust.

I just hope that the democratic will of the Zimbabwean people prevails. If it does we must move quickly to help restore stability and prosperity.

I hope the two wings of the Democratic Party may flap together.

Our history is that we can very aggressively if necessary and openly and democratically discuss our differences. We have a democratic history in which we come together and vote on these things.

The American people voted to restore integrity and honesty in Washington D.C. and the Democrats intend to lead the most honest most open and most ethical Congress in history.

Throughout out history when people have looked for new ways to solve their problems and to uphold the principles of this nation many times they have turned to political parties. They have often turned to the Democratic Party.