Search For crazy In Quotes 153

See at a certain point it becomes cool to be boy crazy. That happens in sixth grade and it gives you so much social status particularly in an all-girls school if you can go up and talk to boys.

'Ludacris' is something that I made up. It just kind of describes me. Sometimes I have like a split personality. Sometimes I'm cool calm and collected and other times I'm beyond crazy.

My sister has three kids so I've spent a lot of time around children and I've always really liked them and wanted my own. It's cool because you think all babies are the same but they aren't at all. They all have such different personalities. It's crazy.

I mean I get letters in the mail because I had a heart defect when I was one I had surgeries and stuff. And so you get these letters in the mail that just they are crazy they are just like yes well our son is dealing with the same thing and we saw you on TV and I mean it is such a cool thing to inspire and kind of give hope.

I have a crazy amount of different jobs so the way I manage that is to not do more than one at a time. It's like old computers that had small memory chips they would do something called swapping where they would fill the memory with one task do it and get it out.

Celebrity culture has gone crazy and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable and it also seems impossible to change anything.

'Blind Curve ' the book I'm working on now sprang from a crazy incident that happened to me last year while on my book tour. I was pulled out of my car for a minor traffic violation - an incident that escalated into my being thrown into cuffs and told I was going to jail. Except in my story the hero doesn't get off as easily as I did.

I'm calling from my car I'm sorry I'm like running around like crazy.

I was so wild and crazy and dumb in my car. It didn't run but 30 miles an hour. You made do.

I'm a crazy car guy. I've got an airplane hangar full of cars.