Search For companies In Quotes 119

There are two kinds of companies those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.

I have several computer companies. One of them I have a program for wide-format printing. I have a beauty program. So I have several different programs that I own for printing.

It's harder but we're still finding oil in Oklahoma today. The bar has been raised on startup companies but it can still be done. Every regulation and every rule limits you but yes it can still be done. That's the beauty of living in a free country and having the freedom to have an idea and become an entrepreneur.

Innovation is this amazing intersection between someone's imagination and the reality in which they live. The problem is many companies don't have great imagination but their view of reality tells them that it's impossible to do what they imagine.

There are very few dance companies in the world and you have to be phenomenal. You have to not be injured. You have to have a really strong mind to deal with the dance world. People who can do it are amazing to me. You cannot have a life outside of dance.

I'm really lucky that my record companies have been patient with me and leave me alone and give me the time to make it right in my mind.

Regardless of age regardless of position regardless of the business we happen to be in all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You.

About the time I turned 50 I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents so I'm no longer somebody's daughter.

There are signs that the age of petroleum has passed its zenith. Adjusted for inflation a barrel of crude oil now sells for three times its long-run average. The large western oil companies which cartellised the industry for much of the 20th century are now selling more oil than they find and are thus in the throes of liquidation.