Search For becoming In Quotes 153

Making the City Of Joy gave me the best political education of my life. It became a wrestling match between an Englishman who had gradually ceased to be a Marxist and a culture that was becoming more Marxist by the day.

I belong to the generation of workers who born in the villages and hamlets of rural Poland had the opportunity to acquire education and find employment in industry becoming in the course conscious of their rights and importance in society.

America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be a novelty. I will belong to the select few.

Dreams from 1991 are becoming reality. We will build good relations between nations and people. We will strive towards mutual respect and equality of every individual sex race and national or any other minority.

I was so lucky to have parents who supported me 100% with whatever I was doing both financially and emotionally. Having that they made my life so much easier. Instead of becoming a bartender and trying to survive while trying to pursue your dreams I didn't have to worry about that aspect. I could just pursue my dreams.

I began my career with infantile dreams of becoming a composer.

I think basically becoming famous has taken the place of going to Heaven in modern society hasn't it? That's the place where your dreams will come true. It's an act of faith now they think that's going to sort things out.

You control your future your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own.

There's a joy and a pain about directing where the dreams you have are becoming concrete but the attention to detail the need for time is such that it's overwhelming at times and the stream of responsibility.

The situation in the United States is becoming more dire for average ordinary Americans and the last thing we need to do is to spend money on death destruction and war.

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I see that the path of progress has never taken a straight line but has always been a zigzag course amid the conflicting forces of right and wrong truth and error justice and injustice cruelty and mercy.