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This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future which is a little ironic since we may not have one.

I'm asked all the time in interviews about who I am and I know a few people my age who have a strong sense of self but I couldn't say I know myself and sum it up and give it to you in a little package. I don't know myself at all yet.

When you get to my age life seems little more than one long march to and from the lavatory.

I first learned that there were black people living in some place called other than the United States in the western hemisphere when I was a very little boy and my father told me that when he was a boy about my age he wanted to be an Episcopal priest because he so admired his priest a black man from someplace called Haiti.

There is nothing in socialism that a little age or a little money will not cure.

If you've got to my age you've probably had your heart broken many times. So it's not that difficult to unpack a bit of grief from some little corner of your heart and cry over it.

Ours is an excessively conscious age. We know so much we feel so little.

Men of age object too much consult too long adventure too little repent too soon and seldom drive business home to the full period but content themselves with a mediocrity of success.

Reading after a certain age diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.

The real sadness of fifty is not that you change so much but that you change so little.