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Our ministry is supported entirely by faith through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money and we never burden supporters.

I still have a belief and a faith that some great things are still going to happen in my career. If I didn't believe that it makes no sense for me to be out there and on top of that I know this is a period of time that God wants me to persevere through.

Well I've never left my faith - but have I made a lot of mistakes? But was I fortunate that I was brought up in that Pentecostal church where I heard about God's love and God's forgiveness.

I have this embedded faith in the process through which films of a certain type get discovered on longer timelines.

It's possible that the 2012 general-election race will be the least overtly religious one since 1972 the last campaign before Roe v. Wade and the rise of Jimmy Carter brought evangelicalism into the political mainstream. That's because faith remains a complicated issue for Obama who is still wrongly thought to be a Muslim in some quarters.

Those of us who were brought up as Christians and have lost our faith have retained the sense of sin without the saving belief in redemption. This poisons our thought and so paralyses us in action.

A whole lot of us believers of all different religions are ready to turn back the tide of madness by walking together in both the dark and the light - in other words through life - registering voters as we go and keeping the faith.

The other day the President said I know you've had some rough times and I want to do something that will show the nation what faith that I have in you in your maturity and sense of responsibility. He paused then said would you like a puppy?

I come now to tell you for what I am brought here to die and to give you an account of my faith which I shall do as in the sight of the living God before whom I am shortly to stand.

I wasn't with Joseph but I believe him. My faith did not come to me through science and I will not permit so-called science to destroy it.