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Every song has a composer every book has an author every car has a maker every painting has a painter and every building has a builder. So it isn't irrational to take this simple logic a little further and say that nature must have had a Maker. It would be irrational to believe that it made itself.

You're pulling 4-5G for a lot of the corners around the lap. We build up lactic acid because there are a lot of vibrations in the car and you have to have strong legs to hit the brake pedal. We need to be fit to do every lap at 100%.

To understand the intensity of driving an F1 car you have to be in it. When you're driving a 750hp machine at 200mph the noise and the vibrations are incredible. The G-force when you take big corners is like someone trying to rip your head off. You hit the brakes and it feels as if the skin is being pulled off your body.

In addition to this they already have a fuel cell car on the road in Japan. It is subsidized from within the corporation because they are still at a high cost.

I'm afraid for all those who'll have the bread snatched from their mouths by these machines. What business has science and capitalism got bringing all these new inventions into the works before society has produced a generation educated up to using them!

Secure our borders first. Let us know and let us make sure the American people know that we're taking care of the important business of dealing with the illegal immigration into this country. You cannot begin to address the concerns of the people who are already here unless and until you have made certain that no more are coming in behind them.

According to the Small Business Administration more than 70 percent of all family businesses do not survive through the second generation and 8 percent do not make it to a third.

Desperation is the perfume of the young actor. It's so satisfying to have gotten rid of it. If you keep smelling it it can drive you crazy. In this business a lot of people go nuts go eccentric even end up dead from it. Not my plan.

Corporations are not in business to be social-welfare organizations they are there to make money.

Very few if any first-generation black or white or Asian kids will pursue a Ph.D. They'll pursue the professions for economic security. Many will go to law school and/or business school.