Search For rough In Quotes 1696

The realm of immediate or personal knowledge is a narrow circle in which these bodies move the realm of knowledge derived through faith is as wide as the universe and old as eternity.

We know the past and its great events the present in its multitudinous complications chiefly through faith in the testimony of others.

Taking it in its wider and generic application I understand faith to be the supplement of sense or to change the phrase all knowledge which comes not to us through our senses we gain by faith in others.

I walked along that slippery slope where if you fail through lack of faith you sell your soul to the devil.

I was brought up the Mexican way where actors are paid very little and every part you take is an act of faith. If people respect that then great.

Through history people look for something spiritual. The greatest scientists in the world were men of religion and faith too.

Dawkins considers that all faith is blind faith and that Christian and Muslim children are brought up to believe unquestioningly. Not even the dim-witted clerics who knocked me about at grammar school thought that.

I realized that my truest passion was for helping people change through faith in a higher power. That meant for me belonging to the church. Using my abilities to bring Christian doctrine to a postmodern world.

Since I was an atheist for many years and came to believe in God through my studies in science it frustrated me to see students and parents who viewed faith and science as enemies.

My faith is an important part of my life and over the years I've learnt that it takes a proud man to say he doesn't need anything. It has been a quiet strength and a backbone through a lot of difficult times.

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What we hope to achieve is a society that doesn't value a white man because he's a white man but also doesn't value a woman because she's a woman or a black because he's a black.