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The Semantic Web is not a separate Web but an extension of the current one in which information is given well-defined meaning better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.

Electronic aids particularly domestic computers will help the inner migration the opting out of reality. Reality is no longer going to be the stuff out there but the stuff inside your head. It's going to be commercial and nasty at the same time.

In computing turning the obvious into the useful is a living definition of the word 'frustration'.

My approach is so simple every song I sing every story I tell every move I make must move the audience to laughter tears or inspiration. Otherwise why do it? It's the communication.

Today most young women are exposed to technology at a very young age with mobile phones tablets the Web or social media. They are much more proficient with technology than prior generations since they use it for all their school work communication and entertainment.

However even during the preparations for action we laid our plans in such a manner that should there be progress through diplomatic negotiation we would be well prepared to cancel operations at the latest moment that communication technology would have permitted.

Civilization grew in the beginning from the minute that we had communication - particularly communication by sea that enabled people to get inspiration and ideas from each other and to exchange basic raw materials.

You're talking about a younger generation Generation Y whose interpersonal communication skills are different from Generation X. The younger generation is more comfortable saying something through a digital mechanism than even face to face.

The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success: Concentration Discrimination Organization Innovation and Communication.

The five essential entrepreneurial skills for success are concentration discrimination organization innovation and communication.