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If you're an entrepreneur and you think that the president makes a difference to your business you should stay at your current job.

But now I realize that this record business really needs me. No one else is trying to take a chance or do something different.

I used to work for a management consulting company so I dressed differently - business casual probably a lot of things from Banana Republic. My wardrobe now is definitely more expensive but I always dress for the occasion.

Writing fiction is for me a fraught business an occasion of daily dread for at least the first half of the novel and sometimes all the way through. The work process is totally different from writing nonfiction. You have to sit down every day and make it up.

I used to be focused on being the dopest rapper in the game and then once that became what I was I wanted something different and I wanted to become the best businessman in the game. I wanted to learn how to master the business like I mastered the rap.

I'll keep on acting 'til they wipe the drool. I like the business. I like to do different parts and diverse characters. I haven't lost my enthusiasm yet!

There is the expression of selfishness and there is the expression of selflessness - but economists or theoreticians never touched that part. They said: 'Go and become a philanthropist.' I said 'No I can do that in the business world create a different kind of business - a business based on selflessness.'

I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business. I mean I get loads of money all from different sources. You give it to your accountant. They manage it.

I think the fact that I was raised in show business in New York City in the '50s that's affected my personality to the point that I'm a little different.

I am just at that stage of wondering where I go from here. I came into this business almost by accident but now it has become serious. What started as a bit of fun something to do other than be a model has taken on a different career curve. I have been forced to ask where that curve is going to end up.

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When David Arquette and I got engaged we started therapy together. I'd heard that the first year of marriage is the hardest so we decided to work through all that stuff early.