Who's to say that there is any more support for Freud's psychoanalytic concept of the superego than there is for that old time religion that asserted that there is a God who ordains what is right and wrong and that His righteousness endures for all generations?
The earth is the Lord's fullness thereof: this is no longer a hollow dictum of religion but a directive for economic action toward human brotherhood.
Religious wars are not caused by the fact that there is more than one religion but by the spirit of intolerance... the spread of which can only be regarded as the total eclipse of human reason.
The trouble with many men is that they have got just enough religion to make them miserable. If there is not joy in religion you have got a leak in your religion.
There is one thing higher than Royalty: and that is religion which causes us to leave the world and seek God.
All theory of modernity in sociology suggests that the more modernity there is the less religion. In my theory we can realize that this is wrong: atheism is only one belief system among many.
There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.
There's a gullible side to the American people. They can be easily misled. Religion is the best device used to mislead them.
My philosophy is to do the best you can for somebody. Help. It's not just what do you for yourself. It's how you treat people decently. The golden rule. There isn't big anything better than the golden rule. It's in every major religion in one language or another.
I'm actually an evangelical atheist but there is something I recognise about religion: that it gives people a chance to surrender.