Search For washing In Quotes 132

I would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education health care transportation.

The Washington black community was able to succeed beyond his wildest dreams. I mean we had our own newspapers our own restaurants our own theaters our own small shops our own clubs our own Masonic lodges.

The Hispanic community values entrepreneurship and family-owned businesses and we deserve a leader in Washington who is dedicated to creating an environment where our values our goals and our dreams of prosperity can become reality.

Washington not Jefferson freed his slaves upon his death.

I took my courage in both hands and went to the Laundromat to do my washing. I had to use three machines.

I admired Eugene McCarthy's courage and although I left his Senate staff after four years to accept a job as the researcher on the editorial page of the 'Washington Post ' I remained an admirer.

Washington's answer to a self-inflicted financial crisis reminded Americans why they so deeply distrust the political class. The 'fiscal cliff' process was secretive and sloppy and the nation's so-called leadership lacked the political courage to address our root problems: joblessness and debt.

We got to do a few things with President Clinton. To be invited to Washington again to play with Ashanti and all those other cool people there in front of President Bush and the rest of the world feels awesome. I'm really looking forward to going.

My family moved - first to Washington D.C. and then in the spring of 1975 to Lebanon where my father worked as a diplomat at the American embassy. My parents were enthusiastic about the move so my older brother and I felt like we were off to some place kind of cool.

I actually use a computer a lot. I have three computers that I use on a regular basis - one is on my desk top in my Washington office another is at home and I have my laptop that I use when I'm travelling.