Search For union In Quotes 149

I don't just want a better deal for Britain. I want a better deal for Europe too. So I speak as British prime minister with a positive vision for the future of the European Union. A future in which Britain wants and should want to play a committed and active part.

The future is built on brains not prom court as most people can tell you after attending their high school reunion. But you'd never know it by talking to kids or listening to the messages they get from the culture and even from their schools.

Instead of just giving lip service to improving our schools I will actually put the kids first and the teachers union behind in giving our kids better teachers better options and better choices for a better future.

I understand by this passion the union of desire friendship and tenderness which is inflamed by a single female which prefers her to the rest of her sex and which seeks her possession as the supreme or the sole happiness of our being.

Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another people are friends in spots.

So why am I facing a recall election? Simple: the big government union bosses from Washington want their money. They don't like the fact that I did something fundamentally pro-worker something that's truly about freedom.

I came out of the Soviet Union no longer a communist because I believed in personal freedom.

Today hundreds of millions dwell in freedom from the Baltic to the Adriatic from the Western Approaches to the Aegean. And while we must never take this for granted the first purpose of the European Union - to secure peace - has been achieved and we should pay tribute to all those in the EU alongside Nato who made that happen.

The intense happiness of our union is derived in a high degree from the perfect freedom with which we each follow and declare our own impressions.

I was an organizer in the Food Agricultural and Tobacco Workers Union down in North Carolina.

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Nothing is so beautiful as spring - when weeds in wheels shoot long and lovely and lush Thrush's eggs look little low heavens and thrush through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring the ear it strikes like lightning to hear him sing.