Search For survive In Quotes 133

Humanity needs dreams to be able to survive the miseries of daily existence even if only for an instant.

Good dreams don't come cheap you've got to pay for them and If you just dream when you're asleep this is no way for them to come alive... to survive.

In these dangerous times where it seems the world is ripping apart at the seams we can all learn how to survive from those who stare death squarely in the face every day and we should reach out to each other and bond as a community rather than hide from the terrors of life at the end of the millennium.

The study of consciousness that can extend beyond the body is extremely important for the issue of survival since it is this part of human personality that would be likely to survive death.

Families survive one way or another. You have a tie a connection that exists long after death through many lifetimes.

All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man no society will survive a shortage of women.

One can survive everything nowadays except death and live down everything except a good reputation.

Cursed is the man who dies but the evil done by him survives.

I decided to devote my life to telling the story because I felt that having survived I owe something to the dead. and anyone who does not remember betrays them again.

What is a normal childhood? We weren't rich we were pretty middle-class. My dad survived from job to job with him taking care of so many relatives he couldn't save any money.