Search For sever In Quotes 208

Man becomes weak or ill by accident as a consequence of the lack of resources. Even the most severally ill patients must be treated with the aim of restoring their health.

We can all agree that no American should lose their life savings or their home because of illness or injury and that the rising cost of health care severely burdens individuals families and businesses.

In turn more physicians hospitals and other health care providers are severely limiting their practices moving to other states or simply not providing care.

Since the reduction of risk factors is the scientific basis for primary prevention the World Health Organization promotes the development of an integrated strategy for prevention of several diseases rather than focusing on individual ones.

The applause was so loud and insistent that I had to respond with several encores. I was numb with happiness when it was over I knew that this alone must be my life and my world.

We need fundamental change. In the past national development led to people's happiness but now the link between national growth and improvement in people's lives has been severed.

Happiness or satisfaction consists only in the enjoyment of those objects which are by nature suited to our several particular appetites passions and affections.

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

Perseverance is a great element of success. If you only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate you are sure to wake up somebody.

If your determination is fixed I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength but perseverance.

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A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts not on marble.