Search For ordinary In Quotes 171

And poets in my view and I think the view of most people do speak God's language - it's better it's finer it's language on a higher plane than ordinary people speak in their daily lives.

I can't believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary.

Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears not to oust them.

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions and the plant is to a landscape artist not only a plant - rare unusual ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color a shape a volume or an arabesque in itself.

Italy has piled up huge public debt because the successive governments were too close to the life of ordinary citizens too willing to please the requests of everybody thereby acting against the interests of future generations.

It is extraordinary that whole populations have no projects for the future none at all. It certainly is extraordinary but it is certainly true.

When two people first meet they can only have a very ordinary kind of friendship. But when you begin to understand each other when you get close to them you discover that you're suddenly eager to know him or her even better.

And what do Democrats stand for if they are so ready to defame concerned citizens as the 'mob' - a word betraying a Marie Antoinette delusion of superiority to ordinary mortals. I thought my party was populist attentive to the needs and wishes of those outside the power structure. And as a product of the 1960s I thought the Democratic party was passionately committed to freedom of thought and speech.

Anywhere anytime ordinary people are given the chance to choose the choice is the same: freedom not tyranny democracy not dictatorship the rule of law not the rule of the secret police.

Japan is the most intoxicating place for me. In Kyoto there's an inn called the Tawaraya which is quite extraordinary. The Japanese culture fascinates me: the food the dress the manners and the traditions. It's the travel experience that has moved me the most.

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My dad tells me that he took us to a pantomime when I was very very small - panto being a sort of English phenomenon. There's traditionally a part of the show where they'll invite kids up on the stage to interact with the show. I was too young to remember this but my dad says that I was running up onstage before they even asked us.