Search For natural In Quotes 397

I think politics is important. It's how we run our society. I think it should be natural to have an interest in the subject and I almost don't understand why some people don't.

The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century all natural disasters and all automobile accidents combined.

Children seem naturally drawn to poetry - it's some combination of the rhyme rhythm and the words themselves.

Even the people who have had success and made money writing these books of fiction seem to feel the need to pretend it's no big deal or part of a natural progression from poetry to fiction but often it's really just about the money the perceived prestige.

Poetry is a natural energy resource of our country.It has no energy crisis possessing a potential that will last as long as the country. Its power is equal to that of any country in the world.

That sense of a life in natural objects which in most poetry is but a rhetorical artifice was then in Wordsworth the assertion of what was for him almost literal fact.

There is one type of ideal woman very seldom described in poetry - the old maid the woman whom sorrow or misfortune prevents from fulfilling her natural destiny.

The point of departure of the process to which we wish to contribute is the fact that war is the natural reaction of human nature in the savage state while peace is the result of acquired characteristics.

I think what the Nobel committee is doing is going beyond war and looking at what humanity can do to prevent war. Sustainable management of our natural resources will promote peace.

The law of nations is naturally founded on this principle that different nations ought in time of peace to do one another all the good they can and in time of war as little injury as possible without prejudicing their real interests.