Search For mission In Quotes 171

The second one the joint Truth and Friendship Commission which we started now with Indonesia that is the one that has been criticized its terms of reference call for providing amnesty for those who cooperate in telling the truth. It does not lead to prosecution.

Friendship like love is destroyed by long absence though it may be increased by short intermissions.

If you ask me to summarise our mission I would put it this way: We were a military regime that sought to lay the foundations for freedom and liberty in a complex society.

Carry out the republican principle of universal suffrage or strike it from your banners and substitute 'Freedom and Power to one half of society and Submission and Slavery to the other.'

They know the importance of their mission and of America's commitment to combating and defeating terrorism abroad and they know that they are making a real difference in bringing freedom to a part of the world that has known only tyranny.

The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose and that is the path of surrender or submission.

The cost of freedom is always high but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose and that is the path of surrender or submission.

The things the writers have me doing on 'Suburgatory' are insane. I think they think it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

It is often easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Forgiveness is the remission of sins. For it is by this that what has been lost and was found is saved from being lost again.