Search For lease In Quotes 197

Please be assured that as we move along through the implementation of health insurance reform making sure that we find efficiencies within the existing system is foremost on the President's mind.

It has pleased and interested me to see how I could get along under difficult circumstances and with so much discomfort but as I say I was not sent out here to improve my temper or my health or to make me more content with my good things in the East.

Getting married for me was the best thing I ever did. I was suddenly beset with an immense sense of release that we have something more important than our separate selves and that is the marriage. There's immense happiness that can come from working towards that.

I always wanted to have my own album released before I graduated from high school.

We say to the British government: you have kept those sculptures for almost two centuries. You have cared for them as well as you could for which we thank you. But now in the name of fairness and morality please give them back.

We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases while the citizens may act only by permission which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history the stage of rule by brute force.

A man is in general better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table than when his wife talks Greek.

If there is dissatisfaction with the status quo good. If there is ferment so much the better. If there is restlessness I am pleased. Then let there be ideas and hard thought and hard work. If man feels small let man make himself bigger.

The only advantage of not being too good a housekeeper is that your guests are so pleased to feel how very much better they are.

I once had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalogue: no good in a bed but fine up against a wall.

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What is faith? If you believe something because you have evidence for it or rational argument that is not faith. So faith seems to be believing something despite the absence of evidence or rational argument for it.