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I think what is happening is I think first of all there is confidence in the U.K. economy. We're in a German rather than a Greek position in international financial markets which is very positive and keeps our debt service costs down and we're also beginning to see real evidence of rebalancing.

I was supposed to be women's lib and now I'd exceeded it and gone over into international politics.

In almost every country there are elements of opinion which would welcome such a conclusion because they wish to return to the politics of the balance of power unrestricted and unregulated armaments international anarchy and preparation for war.

The advantage of the internet is that it has taken away the charade of politics. China has heard of democracy and people know about certain concepts they wouldn't have previously.

Alliance - in international politics the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third.

The poetry and transgression that was so much of surrealism's anarchic force has been recruited into mainstream culture. It has been made commonplace by television and magazine merchandising by computer games and Internet visuals by film and MTV by the fashion shoot.

You know bad poetry I wrote in high school can still be found on the Internet and you know there's a Web log of our college newspaper. You know there's so many different stages of my creative development are sort of on-record if somebody were to choose to look for them.

The conflict in the Middle East needs to be solved for the same reasons. It is necessary to reach a two-states solution built on international law for sustainable peace and development and it can only be achieved through joint efforts by the international community.

One of the gaps in our international development efforts is the provision of global public goods - that is goods or conditions we need that no individual or country can secure on their own such as halting global warming financial stability and peace and security.

In a case like Iraq the UN has again shown what important role it plays as the guarantor for protecting international peace and stability in the global political structure.

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I think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting fundamental damage to our health care system to our individual liberty to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor.