Search For finally In Quotes 121

After you have exhausted what there is in business politics conviviality and so on - have found that none of these finally satisfy or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains.

You do what you can for as long as you can and when you finally can't you do the next best thing. You back up but you don't give up.

A lot of the fun lies in trying to penetrate the mystery and this is best done by saying over the lines to yourself again and again till they pass through the stage of sounding like nonsense and finally return to a full sense that had at first escaped notice.

You know the best thing about competition? There's this whole strategy game and when it all works out its like solving that hard math equation. You finally get the answer and you're so happy.

It is finally a word is untimely in three different senses and bearing it as one's treasure will not win one anyone's favours one rather risks finding oneself outside everyone's camp... Beauty is the word that shall be our first.

If the Frieze Art Fair catches on I imagine at least two great things happening. First we will once again have a huge art fair in town that isn't too annoying to go to. More importantly Frieze may finally show New Yorkers that we can cross our own waters for visual culture. That would change everything.

There is no prejudice that the work of art does not finally overcome.

I do not know what the spirit of a philosopher could more wish to be than a good dancer. For the dance is his ideal also his fine art finally also the only kind of piety he knows his 'divine service.'

Lorne finally said Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts.

I'm overly excited to finally announce this amazing global partnership deal back home with EMI Music. I know I have mentioned doing music in the past but for legal reasons I was not in a position to release any new music.