Search For elation In Quotes 1287

Afghanistan is going to be here a long time and what's critical is that Afghanistan's relationship with its neighbors are to the maximum extent they can be constructive and operationally useful.

I know the Russian political elite has got used to the Ukraine suffering from an inferiority complex but I want this to disappear from our relationship.

My relationship to gravity is permanently altered.

But John Landis wrote a good relationship which is really what the film's about. A very straightforward young woman who's very sure of herself and she meets a young man who needs some taking care of.

He didn't want to tell his son what to do but told me to write the president a letter. I didn't name a country but there are many countries we have a fragile relationship with.

My brother and I have too good a relationship to spoil it by working together.

India is a global power and an important partner with whom we are building an intense broad and enduring relationship.

When I was growing up we used to play basketball in a park that was never shoveled when it snowed. The basketball rims were never fixed. And we understood then that there was a relationship between public policy and our quality of life.

Waterpolo is my life. Our relationship is that of predetermination I'll never be better at anything than waterpolo and that is why it is my duty to pursue this sport as long as I can and to the best of my abilities.

My relationship with 'Pollyanna' is a very personal one because Pollyanna got me through my childhood.