Search For effective In Quotes 133

If we don't have accurate information if we are not able to tell difficult truth one to another we will never be able to effectively design a policy for Iraq.

Leon Theremin's original designs are elegant ingenious and effective. As electronics goes the theremin is very simple. But there are so many subtleties hidden in the details of the design. It's like a great sonnet or a painting or a speech that is perfectly done on more than one level.

To design the future effectively you must first let go of your past.

Even very young children need to be informed about dying. Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This will make threatening him with it much more effective.

We must have courage to bet on our ideas to take the calculated risk and to act. Everyday living requires courage if life is to be effective and bring happiness.

What's cool about indie rock is that one band can do effectively the same thing as another band and one band nails it and the other one doesn't. I like that elusiveness.

If you improve a teacher's self-esteem confidence communication skills or stress levels you improve that teacher's overall effectiveness across the curriculum.

It's so important for those living with chronic pain to establish good communication with both their healthcare professionals and caregivers. Clear communication about pain is vital to receiving proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

The art of effective listening is essential to clear communication and clear communication is necessary to management success.

Communication is about being effective not always about being proper.

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What an amazing opportunity to do something like direct a movie and step out of your creative comfort zone and yet do something that is also so familiar at the same time. I was also just excited to have the chance to direct which I may never get to do again.