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In the long term the United States could greatly benefit Islam by uniquely freeing the religion from government constraints and permitting it to evolve in a positive modern direction. But that's the long term.

It's an important thing to have a relationship with the director and have it be a positive one.

There's been a slow death in a way. On the positive side there are films getting into the Academy Awards that wouldn't have but on the negative side financiers are now dominant and making all the decisions. I can't count the ways a director's vision is compromised.

I know some people will be surprised to hear it but I've found that my music whether its blues or rock or whatever you want to call it can be channeled into a positive direction that actually helps people.

Congress must take responsibility for a new positive direction - an innovative agenda that will lead to a more secure America. Secure communities secure economies and a secure quality of life.

We are a consumer company and our success is directly linked to our users trusting us. Therefore we have the same incentive as the user: they want to see relevant advertising so their experience of Google is positive and we want to deliver it.

George W. Bush brought a lot of minorities into his administration which was a positive thing and they had some issues that they wanted to press but 9/11 really gave them direction. It gave them a purpose.

I realize myself that hate wastes a lot of time and energy and I would rather re-direct any energy that I have to good and positive use.

There's no such thing as an actor giving positive criticism to a director. The minute you say 'Don't you think it would look nicer...' that director's going to hate your guts. Particularly if it's a good idea.

I think everyone goes through chapters in their life and there was a time when I wasn't feeling terribly positive about what I was contributing to film or wasn't feeling as if I was going in the direction I wanted and I re-evaluated what I was doing.