Search For define In Quotes 167

Every country can be defined through their food their music and their language. That's the soul of a country.

You define a good flight by negatives: you didn't get hijacked you didn't crash you didn't throw up you weren't late you weren't nauseated by the food. So you are grateful.

I had a fear of becoming anything a fear of becoming a specialist. I might have become a doctor but if you become a doctor that's your specialty in life and you are defined by it. One of the attractions of being a writer is that you're never a specialist. Your field is entirely open your field is the entire human condition.

I define fear as standing across the ring from Joe Louis and knowing he wants to go home early.

I hear the way people talk about the children of famous people. They're not treated very well. The presumptions are usually quite awful. So I tried to establish myself with a couple of movies. After 'Juno' I thought: 'I think I've defined myself enough as my own director that I'd love to work with my father.'

Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are they provide something steady reliable and safe in a confusing world.

For all of higher civilization's recorded history becoming a man was defined overwhelmingly as taking responsibility for a family.

The attempt to redefine the family as a purely voluntary arrangement grows out of the modern delusion that people can keep all their options open all the time.

I have learned that track doesn't define me. My faith defines me. I'm running because I have been blessed with a gift.

The balance between faith and reason is for the determination of each individual and of the people as a whole not of unauthorized government officials uttering impious humbug as they arbitrarily try to define that balance.

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Judy we think that since the 11th of September 2001 we've faced a similar heightened threat level. And we've been enhancing both the exchange of intelligence and security information and the assessment of that information because that's the crucial element.