Search For communication In Quotes 279

It is difficult to imagine how any behavior in the presence of another person can avoid being a communication of one's own view of the nature of one's relationship with that person and how it can fail to influence that person.

The inventions and the great discoveries have opened up whole continents to reciprocal communication and interchange provided we are willing.

Being a good television screenwriter requires an understanding of the way film accelerates the communication of words.

The biggest lesson I've learned by living abroad for the last four years is the importance of communication.

It's so important for those living with chronic pain to establish good communication with both their healthcare professionals and caregivers. Clear communication about pain is vital to receiving proper diagnosis and effective treatment.

One of them for example which will probably haunt me more than any other is the problem of communication.

I agree that it is not just the extremists who harbor bad thoughts or engage in bad acts but they are usually the source of the polarization and try to keep education and communication of the main stream from moving forward.

The Internet has brought communities across the globe closer together through instant communication.

These sites have torn down the geographical divide that once prevented long distance social relationships from forming allowing instant communication and connections to take place and a virtual second life to take hold for its users.

I find that communication as an actor and person is an important part of who I am. And I'm really drawn into the psychology of those dynamics.