Search For comfortable In Quotes 181

People feel uncomfortable talking about racial issues out of fear that if they express things they will be characterized in a way that's not fair. I think that there is still a need for a dialogue about things racial that we've not engaged in.

I'm always interested in trying to investigate different personalities. I want to keep myself guessing and keep the fear element alive so that I don't get too comfortable.

God make me so uncomfortable that I will do the very thing I fear.

I'm in that comfortable niche where I'm not that famous and sometimes people do need to put a barrier between them and their followers. When you're real famous you need to do that but I'm not that famous so I don't need that kind of barrier.

I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with the idea of being famous.

And I don't want to live anywhere where I am famous. It makes me very very uncomfortable because it conveys an advantage over people and I don't like that.

For me getting comfortable with being famous was hard - that whole side of it the loss of anonymity the loss of privacy. Giving up that part of your life and not having control of it.

I'm not comfortable being around too many people. I don't like being out in public too much. I don't like going to bars. I don't like doing celebrity stuff. So most of the characters I play are people who don't always feel comfortable beyond their small circle of friends.

I feel my family's needs are a priority. I'm not comfortable with the idea of serving the many and ignoring my family.

Selfishness narcissism being uncomfortable in your own skin not feeling connected to the world around you feeling dislocated from family and youth having a strange relationship with your childhood - all those things feel really true to me.

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I never ask boys' opinions on clothes ever. I really think unless you think the guy has style don't ask. So I only ask my girl friends. I don't trust guys' opinions on style!