Search For blood In Quotes 165

Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for protected and handed on for them to do the same.

I heard about the project over a year before we began. My American agent said 'Oh you might want to read 'In Cold Blood' because they're talking about you for Capote but the script's with Johnny Depp and Sean Penn at the moment.' So these things take their time to dribble down the food chain.

Each of us needs something - food liquor pot whatever - to help us survive. Dracula needs blood.

Give your kids a bloody knife and fork and let me put some fresh food in front of them they can eat.

It's very clear that there's a lot of double standards going on. Should there be a 30mph speed limit? Of course there bloody should. And certainly with kids and school food kids need to be nannied for sure. So give them a bloody good meal at school.

I'm trying to cut down a little on eating on sodium keep my blood pressure down which is tough. Because I love food! I do but it's unfair how everything that's bad for you tastes so good and all the good stuff veggies and green things doesn't match up.

I was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs my kidneys my liver my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me-like food or water.

Our children are obese either have or being threatened by diabetes high blood pressure high cholesterol and not socially adjusting properly to others because of a lack of fitness.

The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.

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Are ideals confined to this deformed experiment upon a noble purpose tainted as it is with bargains and tied to a peace treaty which might have been disposed of long ago to the great benefit of the world if it had not been compelled to carry this rider on its back?