Search For architect In Quotes 280

The team architecture means setting up an organization that helps people produce that great work in teams.

The intellectual architecture means focusing on doing great work instead of focusing on agency politics.

You can just drift unhappily towards this vision of heaven on earth and ultimately that is what architecture is a vision of: Heaven on earth at it's best.

If you're into architecture and you're from the West everything is hors d'oeuvres for working to rebuild the Temple. Ultimately you're led there. You can't escape it.

At this present time matter is still the best way to think of architecture but I'm not so sure for very long. The computer is radicalizing the way we think about our world.

I've always liked traveling around Europe and seeing the architecture. The buildings in capital cities have been there for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. Some look better than the new ones.

I've never owned an Apple product. I like the fact that PCs are open architecture and not locked down like Apple products. I feel that Macs are also unjustifiably overpriced.

I take a lot from everywhere. I take from music architecture novels and plays. Anywhere that hits you.

When I'm in London Claridge's is a great favourite. I'm a big fan of art deco architecture and the rooms are extraordinary.

Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.