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Another challenge? Getting up at 6:30 in the morning to go act. It's not fun acting that early in the morning or acting at 4 A.M in the middle of the night or in the morning when you're really tired. That's a challenge. What a luxurious problem to have.

We had news this morning of another successful atomic bomb being dropped on Nagasaki. These two heavy blows have fallen in quick succession upon the Japanese and there will be quite a little space before we intend to drop another.

It is a challenge with the global fame to try to act like I put my pants on one leg at a time when in fact I have Pippa Middleton help me put my pants on every morning. She's my lady-in-waiting as well.

It's been very hard after being mostly a mom to develop an adult life of my own. And not being married anymore I have to come up with challenges.

There is nothing better than being a parent. It is the most challenging job one could ever ask for. I love being a mom and I love being a friend to my children as well.

A woman who is willing to be herself and pursue her own potential runs not so much the risk of loneliness as the challenge of exposure to more interesting men - and people in general.

In a broken marriage it can be challenging and tough to get that work/life balance. I love performing but I also love being a mum and I hate having to choose between them.

I suffered from a mild case of postpartum depression after my second child and the physical challenge of maintaining an overnight shift at CBS a marriage and two in diapers made the symptoms worse and everyone in the house paid the price.

I'm always told that what I say is controversial. Why is it controversial? Because I speak from a tradition that has now fallen out of favor with the dominant media in this country. And so when I say things like marriage should be between one man and one woman I'm called a bigot.

I could be wrong but I think heterosexual marriage is threatened more by heterosexuals. I don't know why gay marriage challenges my marriage in any way.