One failure is worth seven and a half successes.
Most people think of success and failure as opposites but they both are products of the same process.
The success or failure of a life as far as posterity goes seems to lie in the more or less luck of seizing the right moment of escape.
If 50 percent of your career is not filled with failure you're not really successful.
Successful entrepreneurs find the balance between listening to their inner voice and staying persistent in driving for success - because sometimes success is waiting right across from the transitional bump that's disguised as failure.
Success breeds success and failure leads to a sort of fallow period.
Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success failure equilibrium compromise or balance in this continuous rivalry of ideas.
The more control you have over your life the more responsible you feel for your own success - or failure.
The time I had waited probably made the difference between success and failure.
You cannot learn anything from success you only learn from failure.