Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.
Absences are a good influence in love and keep it bright and delicate.
If the critics are right that I've made all my decisions based on polls then I must not be very good at reading them.
If it looks good you'll see it. If it sounds good you'll hear it. If its marketed right you'll buy it. But... If its real... you'll feel it.
To assert in any case that a man must be absolutely cut off from society because he is absolutely evil amounts to saying that society is absolutely good and no-one in his right mind will believe this today.
Dusting is a good example of the futility of trying to put things right. As soon as you dust the fact of your next dusting has already been established.
It is good to express a thing twice right at the outset and so to give it a right foot and also a left one. Truth can surely stand on one leg but with two it will be able to walk and get around.
We are persuaded that good Christians will always be good citizens and that where righteousness prevails among individuals the Nation will be great and happy. Thus while just government protects all in their religious rights true religion affords to government it's surest support.
How true Daddy's words were when he said: all children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.
I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there's purpose and worth to each and every life.