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One of the most important things to remember about infant care is: don't change diapers in midstream.

All cities do face similar significant trends in the future... most importantly global warming and climate change.

In science the important thing is to modify and change one's ideas as science advances.

Whether you're winning or losing it is important to always be yourself. You can't change because of the circumstances around you.

If we are to change our world view images have to change. The artist now has a very important job to do. He's not a little peripheral figure entertaining rich people he's really needed.

I hope to bring much more attention to important issues and change for issues and practices that are harming animals.

Yet what you need is not marches demonstrations rallies or wide associations all of them are important. What you need is direct action. The sooner people understand that the sooner we'll begin to change things.

I don't believe that if I came out as bisexual the world will change. But it's really important for people to be truthful about who they are and fight for equality. We need to help the world usher itself into the next phase.

The challenges of change are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future.

Things don't have to change the world to be important.