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Working with David Cronenberg or Darren Aronofsky or even Steven Soderbergh isn't really like a typical Hollywood movie. These are true artists and have a certain amount of freedom when they work and they're more like independent filmmakers making their way through big studios.

When we through our educational culture through the media through the entertainment culture give our children the impression that human beings cannot control their passions we are telling them in effect that human beings cannot be trusted with freedom.

All Americans and freedom-loving people around the world owe President Reagan our deepest gratitude for his strong principled leadership that ended the Cold War and brought freedom to millions of people.

The abortion license has not brought freedom and security to women. Rather it has ushered in a new era of irresponsibility toward women and children one that now begins before birth.

I never abandoned either forms or freedom. I imagine that most of what could be called free verse is in my first book. I got through that fairly early.

If you can make people understand why freedom is so important through the arts that would be a big help.

The hope of the nation which throughout the nineteenth century had not for a moment reconciled itself with the loss of independence and fighting for its own freedom fought at the same time for the freedom of other nations.

I like repressed characters. That gives me a lot of freedom to make a lot of different choices through subtleties.

I'm a multidimensional person and that's the freedom of fashion: that you're able to reinvent yourself through how you dress and how you cut your hair or whatever.

The new freedom of expression brought by the Internet goes far beyond politics. People relate to each other in new ways posing questions about how we should respond to people when all that we know about them is what we have learned through a medium that permits all kinds of anonymity and deception.