I tell you in truth: all men are Prophets or else God does not exist.
You know what the Englishman's idea of compromise is? He says Some people say there is a God. Some people say there is no God. The truth probably lies somewhere between these two statements.
He that takes truth for his guide and duty for his end may safely trust to God's providence to lead him aright.
The first step toward finding God Who is Truth is to discover the truth about myself: and if I have been in error this first step to truth is the discovery of my error.
There are joys which long to be ours. God sends ten thousands truths which come about us like birds seeking inlet but we are shut up to them and so they bring us nothing but sit and sing awhile upon the roof and then fly away.
One of the peculiar sins of the twentieth century which we've developed to a very high level is the sin of credulity. It has been said that when human beings stop believing in God they believe in nothing. The truth is much worse: they believe in anything.
Any fool knows that bravado is always a cover-up for insecurity. That's the truth. And on that note I'll say goodnight. God love you.
A dog barks when his master is attacked. I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent.
My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him.
One must be very particular about telling the truth. Through truth one can realize God.
I would say stay the hell away from the party scene. Anything you put in front of your goal and especially something like that whether it's too much gambling too much food too much cold beers on the weekend - anything that you put in front of the prize is going to end up getting in the way and hurting you in the end.