Search For washing In Quotes 132

I don't know if the average person really has faith in Washington anymore.

In Washington success is just a training course for failure.

The sentiments in Hawaii about Washington's failure of leadership are no different than the rest of the country.

Washington D.C. is what is broken not the immigration policies. We have good laws. We have people suffer every day because of government's failure to enforce the law and be respectful to the process we have. We have a pathway to citizenship already in place.

As efforts to fix this failure at the Veterans Administration continue I also intend to persist in demanding answers and action on the establishment of a new clinic to serve the veterans in North Central Washington.

I'm hopeful. I know there is a lot of ambition in Washington obviously. But I hope the ambitious realize that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.

The March on Washington affirmed our values as a people: equality and opportunity for all. Forty-one years ago during a time of segregation these were an ideal.

Some types of environmental restoration projects are well-known restored wetlands for instance or coal mine reclamation projects. Recently though larger dam removal projects have started a number of them in Washington state.

But the best thing Washington can do for education is realize that our role is limited. Washington must keep its promises but let those who know our childrens' names- parents teachers and school board members- make education decisions.

Napoleon was probably the equal at least of Washington in intellect his superior in education. Both of them were successful in serving the state.