Search For talkin In Quotes 252

Sometimes it's so weird just to do an interview. This morning I was back in my parents' house with my brother and we went for a jog together then had breakfast as a family. And a couple of hours later I'm wearing high heels and a dress and makeup and talking about my job.

'Good Morning America' exploited Joan Lunden's pregnancy but you won't see me bringing my babies on the air. The only reason I'm talking about the babies at all is that they've been with me on the show since I became pregnant. After a while I had to acknowledge this pumpkin tummy.

Always remember money isn't everything - but also remember to make a lot of it before talking such fool nonsense.

I don't work very much and I just sit here waiting for a script that I can't refuse - and I'm not talking about money.

I really don't like talking about money. All I can say is that the Good Lord must have wanted me to have it.

You know people make a lot of money talking about me don't they?

Now people when I say that look at me and say 'What are you talking about Joe? You're telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?'. The answer is yes that's what I'm telling you.

A billion here a billion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money.

At first I could not believe what I was reading. I got up from my seat and walked away talking to myself that I may have found my mom.

My mom has a tape from when I was like 2 years old talking with my grandma telling her a story that's really elaborate about werewolves and wolves.

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Religious freedom opens a door for Americans that is closed to too many others around the world. But whether we walk through that door and what we do with our lives after we do is up to us.