Search For suggest In Quotes 106

All non-incumbent campaigns promise hope and change but Obama took the promise to a new level of absurdity. He suggested that a vote for him would literally transform the Earth.

A belief in God is vitally important not just in show business but stability in life. You know to recognize deity is the most important thing that you can do. I mean it comes to the Ten Commandments. They weren't ten suggestions. They were Ten Commandments.

In the coming years if not sooner social media will become a powerful tool that consumers will aggressively use to influence business attitudes and force companies into greater social responsibility - and I suggest move us towards a more sustainable practice of capitalism.

Statistics suggest that when customers complain business owners and managers ought to get excited about it. The complaining customer represents a huge opportunity for more business.

The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.

The very women who object to the morals of a notoriously beautiful actress grow big with pride when an admirer suggests their marked resemblance to this stage beauty in physique.

As an inspiration to the author I do not think the cat can be over-estimated. He suggests so much grace power beauty motion mysticism. I do not wonder that many writers love cats I am only surprised that all do not.

The attitude and capacity of the factory the old metal table and the new ideas of the wooden furniture quickly and naturally suggested the possibility of metal furniture.

My personal view is that such total planning by the state is an absolute good and not simply a relative good... I do not myself think of the attitude I take as deriving from Marx - though this undoubtedly will be suggested - but from Fichte and Hegel.

To know how to suggest is the great art of teaching. To attain it we must be able to guess what will interest we must learn to read the childish soul as we might a piece of music. Then by simply changing the key we keep up the attraction and vary the song.