Search For student In Quotes 210

The top experts in the world are ardent students. The day you stop learning you're definitely not an expert.

I tell students 'If you are learning from YouTube I almost don't want to teach you because what you learn from YouTube it takes 10 times as long to unlearn.' They do an approximation of the centre of the note an approximation of the interpretation a cloned version.

The lopsided attitudes of college professors pose a serious challenge to learning because students are so susceptible to becoming lopsided sheep.

I can always see what I've done wrong. I'm always learning. I'm the perennial student.

The novel is about five students of classics who are studying with a classics professor and they take the ideas of the things that they're learning from him a bit too seriously with terrible consequences.

I'm happy to be helping people that are passionate about empowering parents for student learning.

You never stop learning. If you have a teacher you never stop being a student.

I believe that the testing of the student's achievements in order to see if he meets some criterion held by the teacher is directly contrary to the implications of therapy for significant learning.

The current leadership of the Labor party react to the idea that working-class students might study the subjects they studied with the same horror that the Earl of Grantham showed when a chauffeur wanted to marry his daughter.

Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry creativity entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model.