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And just when we were at the end of our design process there was the news that the Italian government and the U.S. government had signed an agreement to fly the first Italian astronaut on that flight.

If I designed a computer with 200 chips I tried to design it with 150. And then I would try to design it with 100. I just tried to find every trick I could in life to design things real tiny.

The basic problem is that web 2.0 tools are not supportive of democracy by design. They are tools designed to gather spy-agency-like data in a seductive way first and foremost but as a side effect they tend to provide software support for mob-like phenomena.

When I announced the development of Perl 6 I said it was going to be a community design. I designed Perl myself. It's limited by my own brain power. So I wanted Perl 6 to be a community design.

Gaming in general is a male thing. It isn't that gaming is designed to exclude women. Everybody who's tried to design a game to interest a large female audience has failed. And I think that has to do with the different thinking processes of men and women.

Every contrivance of man every tool every instrument every utensil every article designed for use of each and every kind evolved from a very simple beginnings.

Early this morning I signed my death warrant.

We are all of us resigned to death: it's life we aren't resigned to.

It is impossible that anything so natural so necessary and so universal as death should ever have been designed by providence as an evil to mankind.

It is not the end of the physical body that should worry us. Rather our concern must be to live while we're alive - to release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are.