Search For research In Quotes 164

As this body of knowledge has evolved a much more critical job for researchers and scientists has evolved into explaining and educating policy makers and the public to the risks of global warming and the possible consequences of action or of no action.

This required the development of a view which allowed one to integrate research with belief thing with person fact with aesthetics knowledge with application of knowledge.

Research is creating new knowledge.

I am suggesting that we recognize that in network and interface research there is something as profound (and potential wild) as Artificial Intelligence.

I've got research I have my own life experience I can apply and I have my imagination.

I had been a reporter for 15 years when I set out to write my first novel. I knew how to research an article or profile a subject - skills that I assumed would be useless when it came to fiction. It was from my imagination that the characters in my story would emerge.

Many Nobel Prizes are awaiting good research to understand and explain the many mysteries of our bodies such as the basic mechanism of memory or imagination.

Sometimes a character is really based on research that you do. Other times it's just based on your imagination or perhaps your conversation with the director. Or sometimes all of the above. It depends on the movie and character.

Now science has presented us with a hope called stem cell research which may provide our scientists with many answers that have for so long been beyond our grasp.

I suppose if I'd got a brilliant first and done research I might still be a don today but I hope not. People become dons because they are incapable of doing anything else in life.