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My greatest fear is disappointing the reader so each book has to be better than the one before.

The books that will never be read. And all due to the fear of censorship. As always young readers will be the real losers.

My whole damn family was nice. I don't think I've imagined it. It's true. Maybe it has to do with being brought up as Christian Scientists. Half of my relatives were Readers or Practitioners in the church.

I have great faith in the intelligence of the American viewer and reader to put two and two together and come up with four.

Our ministry is supported entirely by faith through the missions gifts of readers who receive my messages every three weeks. We seldom mention money and we never burden supporters.

But because we've all been readers we know what the experience is like and we hope that what certain writers have given to us we will give to someone.

Literature overtakes history for literature gives you more than one life. It expands experience and opens new opportunities to readers.

You can use your means in a good and bad way. In German-speaking art we had such a bad experience with the Third Reich when stories and images were used to tell lies. After the war literature was careful not to do the same which is why writers began to reflect on the stories they told and to make readers part of their texts. I do the same.

By presenting a faithful and honest record of my experience as a mother I hope to show both my readers and my children how truth can redeem even what you fear might be the gravest of sins.

The act of writing... is the act of trying to understand why my opinion is what it is. And ultimately I think that's the same experience the reader has when they pick up one of my books.