Search For prove In Quotes 414

There is the view that poetry should improve your life. I think people confuse it with the Salvation Army.

This proves that great lyric poetry can die be reborn die again but will always remain one of the most outstanding creations of the human soul.

A poem conveys not a message so much as the provenance of a message an advent of sense.

War is not the quintessential emergency in which man has to prove himself as my generation learned at its school desks in the days of the Kaiser rather peace is the emergency in which we all have to prove ourselves.

It is a grave matter to enter a war without adequate military preparation it may prove fatal to come into peace without moral and religious preparation.

Israel welcomes the wind of change and sees a window of opportunity. Democratic and science-based economies by nature desire peace. Israel does not want to be an island of affluence in an ocean of poverty. Improvements in our neighbours' lives mean improvements to the neighbourhood in which we live.

When you know people are really at peace with who they are and what they do they collaborate and want to help you to improve.

Politics is about the improvement of people's lives. It's about advancing the cause of peace and justice in our country and the world. Politics is about doing well for the people.

He who asks of life nothing but the improvement of his own nature... is less liable than anyone else to miss and waste life.

The truth is in nature and I shall prove it.