Conserving energy and thus saving money reducing consumption of unnecessary products and packaging and shifting to a clean-energy economy would likely hurt the bottom line of polluting industries but would undoubtedly have positive effects for most of us.
The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity.
I never appreciated 'positive heroes' in literature. They are almost always cliches copies of copies until the model is exhausted. I prefer perplexity doubt uncertainty not just because it provides a more 'productive' literary raw material but because that is the way we humans really are.
I believe that you should gravitate to people who are doing productive and positive things with their lives.
Whether one believes or not religion is as real a force in the life of the world as economics or politics and it demands fair-minded attention. Even if you think the entire religious enterprise is at best misguided and at worst counterproductive it remains vital inspiring great good and sometimes great evil.
Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized.
Poetry is rather an approach to things to life than it is typographical production.
Poetry is the work of poets not of peoples or communities artistic creation can never be anything but the production of an individual mind.
The limitation upon this mode of promoting peace lies in the fact that it consists in an appeal to the civilized side of man while war is the product of forces proceeding from man's original savage nature.
Sinn Fein has productively taken the example of South Africa and as we develop the peace process we continue to use examples from South Africa.